Mortar 7, Fight (Bot9 #135)


Fight - Mortar 7, John Wooden's Pyramid of Success by Keith Wahl

"To hold a structure of bricks (or blocks) together, the mason applies mortar around each layer. In the Pyramid of Success, character qualities bond the 15 building blocks, thus symbolizing mortar. These character qualities actually run throughout the Pyramid and help us advance toward the apex."

Fight - the day after Thanksgiving. Undoubtedly some struggled with some kind of family squabble yesterday. For a little comic relief courtesy of Saturday Night Live and Adele, click the YouTube link below:

A Thanksgiving Miracle - Saturday Night Live

On to the Wooden part. Wooden said the following about Fight:

"My Fight is within me - it is a struggle to be the best I can be at whatever I do. In basketball, if both teams play up to their potential, only one will win - but both will be winners. If we use our fight to do our best, success will take care of itself."

This tenth anniversary of the great USC team of 2005-06 and the incredible Rose Bowl where Texas defeated the Trojans has inspired a series of recent documentaries including the 30 for 30: Trojan War. Now that most all of the players from that game season have given way to a new generation of stars, the retrospective was well-timed.

At the end of the Rose Bowl, USC quarterback Matt Leinart said this, "I still think we're a better football team." Some saw this comment as the pinnacle of arrogance. I saw this as a young athlete still fighting who happened to get a microphone shoved in his face at the wrong time. That USC team was coached to believe in fighting to the end, to give their best effort, and most of the time they won. On that night, they didn't. But that didn't change their fight, and I respected that.

The Apostle Paul told his disciple, Timothy, this in 2 Timothy 4:7:

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Just as Leinart fought to the end and Paul fought the good fight, may we all know when to fight to the end, especially in matters of our faith in Jesus Christ.


Mortar 8, Integrity (Bot9 #136)


Mortar 6, Reliability (Bot9 #134)