Bottom of the Ninth #54 - Dylan
by Jake Timlin Valor Senior; Pitcher
My life has been greatly impacted by the loss of my cousin Dylan. Dylan Montgomery Watson was my younger cousin. He was diagnosed with leukemia, a cancer of the blood cells. It starts in the bone marrow, and impacts the ability of white blood cells to fight off infection. Dylan was diagnosed my sophomore year and then passed away during my junior year. Seeing a young life disappear so fast hurt me deeply. I questioned why God would let this happen, and I was confused as to why God would have an 8 year old die. I struggled to find meaning in it.
Dylan's passing transformed me and now I realize how short and precious life is. A new appreciation of what I have while I have it, has come to the surface. How quickly that can change! I have applied this life lesson to baseball. I never want to lose site or take baseball for granted. I will not forget how amazing this game is, and I'll enjoy it while I have the opportunity and ability to play.
1 Peter 5:6-7 says, "Humble yourselves therefore under Gods mighty hand he will lift you up in due time. Cast your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." This verse helped me see that God has a plan and while we can't always understand why painful, sad things happen, He has a plan for each of us to be with Him for eternity.