Bottom of the Ninth #58 - When We Believe


by Christian Myers, Rock Canyon Senior Pitcher

When a person is born without a hand, you would think that would make everything in life extremely difficult.There is no way that a person could play sports, especially play baseball. Jim Abbott proved to everyone this was not the case. Abbott overcame extreme adversity and went on to play in the MLB with only one hand. Over the course of a 10-year career, Abbott racked up 87 wins and had a career ERA of 4.25. Not bad for a guy playing the hardest game in the world with only one hand. Abbott starred in the 1987 Pan-Am games and on the 1988 U.S. Olympic team. His ability to not only work extra hard, but overcome adversity, allowed him to have a career that only God knew was possible. 

While the adversity we face in our lives may not be as difficult as it was for Jim Abbott, we can all relate to his story. Every day we all have problems to face. We just have to believe that with God we can overcome those challenges. Throughout my baseball career I have had to face adversity. I was told I was too big to be a good player.  I was told that I didn’t throw hard enough. I strived to prove my critics wrong.

With the help of the Lord and my family I was able to lose weight and I learned that throwing hard wasn’t the only ingredient required to be a good pitcher. I increased my velocity and developed movement on my ball. I made myself into abetter player through hard work, faith in God, the help of my family and by believing it was possible. We can overcome adversity through faith, when we believe we can have success.

“I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” - Philippians 4:12-13

God has had a plan for me and with his help, the help of my family and hard work, I was able to earn a starting role on varsity as a sophomore. Now, just a couple of years later, this fall I will attend UNLV to play D-1 baseball on a scholarship. Everyone is capable of overcoming adversity and being successful; they just have to believe. Jim Abbott believed every day that he could overcome adversity and be great.


Bottom of the Ninth #59 - Love God More


Bottom of the Ninth #57 - Pass It On