Block 14, Confidence (Bot9 #127)


Confidence - Block 14, John Wooden's Pyramid of Success by Keith Wahl

I love how Poise and Confidence are placed on top of so many other layers. Both must be based on all of what is underneath in order to be authentic. As we coach and teach the 

"Power of Positive Thinking" Generation, it becomes more and more obvious that they attempt to skip over fundamental building blocks in order to gain a false version of Confidence (maybe I should be less indicting of the athletes, and wonder if the parents mistakenly attempt to work around the process). The amazing thing about coaching the kids raised in that mindset see through the facade. They lack Confidence. They realize it's foolish to pursue Confidence without a foundation.

Confidence is and can be a fleeting thing, especially in the game of baseball - one moment you have it, the next moment you don't. It's the nature of the beast. I remember a time in college during a doubleheader at the University of Nebraska-Omaha where I couldn't seem to get my confidence on track. Shaking my head outside of the dugout, I shared with Joe Distefano, a senior outfielder, that I was struggling with my confidence and the confidence of others in me. He very simply said, "You know, it's called SELF-confidence for a reason." It's one of those moments when you realize that confidence does not come from the external world, but it comes the health of your internal life.

One of our Valor Baseball parents shared the article linked below with me and said the following as he shared it with me ("Seeing the Spirit at Work" from Christianity Today):

"This is a truth that should bring Confidence to the power of God in us. Is there anyway to defeat this confidence and power? Willful sin, pride and unbelief. Doesn't God want to bring glory to his name from the gifts and talents he's given us? Faith equals trusting Him to do a great work this year for HIS GLORY. Hard work equals being faithful with what he has entrusted us with."

These thoughts lead us to Confidence - in ourselves, in our mission, in the Lord, and in our place in His Story. Thanks, Don Pierce...


Block 15, Competitive Greatness (Bot9 #128)


Block 13, Poise (Bot9 #126)