Brady Buehler, Class of 2018 (Bot9 #105)


Brady Buehler, Valor Baseball Class of 2018

“As it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death.” - Philippians 1:20

As many people know, my brother Walker is a starting pitcher at Vanderbilt University. He is a 1st team preseason All-American, and is projected to be among the top 10 players selected in the MLB draft next month. Vanderbilt Head Baseball Coach Tim Corbin said of my brother, “Walk has been a very consistent performer and winner on our pitching staff since his freshman year. He came to us with an advanced skill set for pitching and he has continually improved upon that. Walker has great aptitude for the game and his ability continues to move forward. He has been a big game pitcher for us and will once again have a large role on our staff."

It’s cool yes, and he’s a great brother, but there is a little down side.  I find myself in a position where, even if nobody else is saying it, I feel like I have to perform at such a high level. It’s not that I think that I need to be exactly like my brother or be just as good as he is, but I feel everyone is looking at me and asking, “Aren’t you supposed to be as good as Walker?” or “Aren’t you supposed to be on track to go to the MLB?”  I often put that message into my head and I feel the pressure constantly. Walker doesn’t bring the pressure, Mom and Dad don’t bring that pressure, coaches don’t bring that pressure, nobody else brings the pressure except me, I put it on myself.  The fact of the matter is, I’ve had very little control over “living up to the hype” so to speak. One of my goals this season has been to ask God’s help.  He can help me with my thoughts and my actions, and that is the thing I need to remember. God didn’t make me to compare myself to anyone but created me unique to be myself.  If He does bless me in a way that I do live up to that hype, then I give all the glory to God in the process!

I am learning that I am a unique, loved child of God.  The pressure and the expectations happen when I start to compare myself with my brother.  I am learning to believe that there is no pressure for me to become anyone but the best Brady Buehler that I can be.  If I become a great baseball player, that’s how I’ll glorify God, if I don’t, then I’m fine and God can take control and help me live my life in another way to bring Him glory.


Randy Scott, Baseball Dad, Class of 2015 (Bot9 #106)


Mike Jaramillo, Class of 2015 (Bot9 #104)