Picture of The Father on Father’s Day (Bot9 #303)
The Bible provides us with an ideal picture of life, if we choose to accept it. This includes the picture of the perfect Father. There are many layers to this picture and one of them is displayed in Luke 15:20:
“So he (the Prodigal Son) returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.”
In spite of his many errors, the Father runs towards his son in an incredible show of grace, forgiveness and acceptance. Much has been written about how the Father running in the cultural context brings shame upon himself to take the focus off of the son’s sins. Sounds a like Jesus, doesn’t it?
There are two videos below where a Father joins in his son’s calamity. The first is Derek Redmond’s father joins him on the Olympic track after his hamstring snaps during the race. The second is the story of Dick Hoyt, who passed away earlier this year, who pushed and pulled his son through multiple Ironman events. As you watch the videos, see the picture of fatherhood clearly. God runs to you, comes to you, loves you, and guides you to the abundant life. It’s then our calling to run, go, love, and guide those in our care to the same.
If you’re hitting this bullseye, keep doing it every day. If you’ve got some things to change, there’s no time like today.