Bottom of the Ninth #68 - The Power of Why

Bottom of the 9th - The Power of Why


by Keith Wahl

John 14:12, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do.”

Sometimes things happen in the scope of history and we miss their significance as our natural focus is entrenched in the day-to-day. The story of the Boston Red Sox over the past three major league seasons, and the significance of those events is something that is not to be missed. After the colossal collapse of 2011 that caused the Red Sox to miss the playoffs, the 2012 Red Sox continued deeper into the abyss with a last-place finish. Manager Bobby Valentine became the symbol of this failure as he was fired after a single season at the helm. Two seasons later, the 2014 Red Sox were mired in last place and will be forever remembered for the fire sale at the trade deadline on July 31, 2014.  The failures of 2012 and 2014 provide the bookends of an incredible story of “the power of why.”

How can a team win the World Series one year as the Red Sox did in 2013 while finishing in last place in the year just before, and in the year just after that championship campaign? The simple answer is the “why” motive for the athletes. Watch this ESPN video highlighting the events of 2013 in Boston:

There is nothing more powerful than a “why” motive - a defining reason for one’s actions. For a team, the '“why” serves to unite a group of people into a powerful team.The purpose motive has been highlighted in pop culture recently through Rick Warren’s Purpose-Drive Life, Daniel Pink’s Drive, as well as the TED talk by Simon Sinek linked below.

The power of “why” will continue to serve as a powerful force in the world as it is one way that God has placed Himself in the heart of every man, woman, and child. As an athlete and as a person, it is vital to find your “why” As a follower of Christ, your “why” is enduring and eternal. It finds root in the teachings of Christ. Your “why” cannot be to make a certain team or to earn a college scholarship - it has to be much bigger than individual success. When you seek to play for something bigger than yourself, your heart will be transformed and you will play with a peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).


Bottom of the Ninth #69 - The Change-Up


Bottom of the Ninth #67 - Trying vs. Trusting