Dear Younger Me Series - “Take It In” (Bot9 #188)

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This week's "Dear Younger Me" letter is written by Arizona Christian junior Kyle Robbins. Kyle plays both catcher and third base for the Firestorm. He is majoring in Communications, with desires to pursue a career in broadcast journalism or law enforcement. As you'll see in his letter, Kyle has been blessed with incredible parents and amazing teammates throughout his life. His message is an important one and rooted in Matthew 6:34 - do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough trouble of its own.

Dear Younger Kyle,

Take it in. Take it all in. It all flies by so unbelievably fast. Don't worry about your surroundings so much, but instead embrace them.

Having the opportunity to go to Valor Christian High School was one of the greatest blessings you will have in your young life. It prepares you very well for college and life. With that being said, take your classes seriously in your first years there. Be attentive and don't slack off. It will be a factor in your college choice. Fortunately, you got lucky with your ACT score, and, while you don't go to an Ivy League college, things worked out. Even with this being the case, create good habits.

You are very proud of your roots and how you've handled some of life’s most testing moments. Going through sicknesses in your family, most specifically Mom, is something that shapes you as a man. The characteristics you have built through trials thus far in your life makes you a better man.

Physically, the one thing you will regret is not falling in love with working out and eating right until your freshman summer of college. If you had hit the weight room hard and had eaten right in high school, you would be so much more comfortable in your own skin and a better athlete on the field. Sometimes I wonder where we would be now if we did, but at the same time, we ended up right where we needed to be. The friendships and relationships you build are unbelievable. God has a plan and we did a good job in trusting in it.

As far as college baseball goes, it is one of the coolest things you'll ever do. The level of play is so much better than high school. The coolest part of it all is you'll get to be in the same conference with a teammate of yours in high school. Getting to play against Daniel Butler just adds that much more energy to the rivalry of our schools. He is a true talent. Also, you will go to school, share a room, and play one more of year of baseball with Nick Merten. You drive each other crazy but you get to be really close with each other. The friendship you build will last a lifetime. As I write you, it is our junior year and Marco Castilla somehow found his way into our program as well. Talk about a close friend you never thought you’d have. It is so cool getting to see him everyday and it is even cooler to see the relationship that we have formed. He is a huge asset to our team and will hopefully help us make a run at the conference. We will also have the honor to play Matt Fontneau in his last college baseball season. It is cool to see that you will stay in touch with guys on the very first brotherhood you experienced at Valor. Things like this remind you that baseball is just a game. It is fun. You develop relationships and learn about adversity and how to overcome it.

Don't try and press, enjoy the game and let it come to you. You play better relaxed with a mindset that if you fail, the world does not end. Baseball helps shape your life in this aspect as well. The people you meet will help you connect with future jobs or even a chance to further a career in the game, player or not. Enjoy it.

You are a great kid. Don't let anyone change you. Stay the same kid your close friends and family know and love. I am so happy that you stayed true to yourself. I know a lot of people that went down the wrong path. Stay level-minded, appreciate where you are, and know that the future is bright. Always remember where you came from and take it in along the way.

Love ya man!


Dear Younger Me Series - “Difficulty Will Be Worth It” (Bot9 #189)


Dear Younger Me Series - “The Game Does Not Define You” (Bot9 #187)